185 abstracts are for the theme Education for Sustainable Development, making this congress the largest meeting ever on ESD within Early Childhood Education and Care.
50 abstracts address Gender equity and Equal rights and 120 abstracts are concerned with the theme Different Childhoods.
95 abstracts are for Development work, where practitioners will tell about their projects from preschools and schools and other practices with young children.
Click here to find a selection of approved abstracts >>
In August 2010, OMEP welcomes people from around the world to its 26th World Congress. Sweden is the hosting nation for the first time since 1964. Teachers, researchers and other participants will have the opportunity to learn and share experiences. The three day event offers lectures, workshops, seminars, visits to preschools and primary schools and social activities. What unites the participants is an interest in children's rights and education for sustainable development in a local and global context.
The theme of the congress is "Children - citizens in a challenged world". The foundation for the event rests on UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs aim, among other things, to give all children the right to be in school by 2015, to improve women's situation and to ensure gender equity. The congress provides all participants the unique opportunity to work together on these important issues.
We are very proud to host the congress in Göteborg. The city is an inspiring meeting place that prioritises environmental issues and sustainability. All congress venues and many sights are within walking distance or easily accessible by public transportation. The surroundings, with the sea and its archipelago, offer spectacular sceneries, and the city's Botanical Garden is considered among the most beautiful in the world.
See you in Göteborg 2010!
Jan Mellgren Mikael Alexandersson Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson Ingrid Engdahl
Director, Göteborg Dean, Faculty of Education World President President
School Development University of Gothenburg OMEP OMEP Sweden