Registration fee, August 11 – 13, 2010
All fees in SEK (Swedish Kronor) and including 25 % VAT. VAT can be refunded*.
Until May 15, 2010: After May 15, 2010:
Regular 4 500 SEK (incl. VAT*, 900 SEK) 5 125 SEK (incl. VAT*, 1025 SEK)
Students 2 250 SEK (incl. VAT*, 450 SEK) 2 500 SEK (incl. VAT*, 500 SEK)
The fee includes study visits, lunches, coffee/tea at breaks, and Welcome Reception at the Concert Hall (August 11).
Congress Dinner – Thursday August 12
The Congress Dinner will take place at the restaurant Kajskjul 8.
438 SEK (incl. VAT*, 88 SEK)
ESD Congress Grant
OMEP Sweden hereby announces a competition by which you can win a grant that will enable you to present your winning project during a congress seminar.
Read more about the grant >>
Cancellation of registration
Cancellation must be in writing and sent to the Congress Secretariat, MCI Scandinavia by e-mail:
Your registration can be transferred to a colleague within your own organisation. Please, do also communicate any such transfer in writing to the Congress Secretariat.
The registration is binding, and no refunds will be made.
*VAT information
All delegates must pay a fee including VAT, which is 25 % in Sweden.
Delegates from Sweden representing a VAT- registered organisation or company, or representing the Swedish public sector, can however in most cases get the Swedish VAT deducted or refunded within their ordinary payment and bookkeeping handling routines.
Delegates from abroad have the possibility to get a VAT refund on the fee and other expenses in Sweden by application to the Swedish Tax Agency
Please, ask for more information at the congress secretariat in Göteborg.