Français | English

Study visits




On Thursday, August 12, the second day of the congress, the programme starts with study visits to preschools and to some other places.

The preschools chosen have all volunteered and shown great interest in receiving international guests.  Most Swedish teachers speak English, but we have also arranged with some preschools to present in other languages.



8.30 am         Meeting place, (your meeting point is put in an envelope in your
                      congress bag), joint public transport 
(or walk) to your preschool 

9.00 am         Presentation of facts, figures and curriculum, touring the preschool 

11.00 am       Discussion, time for questions and answer, exchanging of ideas and adresses

                      Lunch included

Around 1.00   Return to City centre, the CONCERT HALL

2.00 pm         Keynote speech 


You sign up for your study visit when you register >> (to be opened January 15,2010)